Caring for people is a very important part of our Christian life and is at the heart of our Mission Statement which begins with St Benedict’s instruction,

“Let all guests be received like Christ, who will say, I came as a guest and you welcomed me”.

Being here at the centre of our city we meet all sorts of people and our community is made up of people from different backgrounds and with different strengths and weaknesses. We recognise that some people will be vulnerable and we wish to ensure they are properly safeguarded. In the past our community have played a significant role in liberating people from modern slavery and members of our community may have been victims of abuse themselves.

We do our best to ensure all visitors and members of the community flourish but recognise we do not have infinite resources and cannot always guarantee to get things right.

Our PCC has been pleased to follow the lead given by the House of Bishops whose updated Safeguarding Policies were adopted by the Diocese of Lincoln Synod on 3rd November 2018. The policies can be found on the Diocesan website

You may also contact The Diocese of Lincoln Safeguarding Team:  Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Debbie Johnson  01522 504081 

In situations of immediate risk contact the police on 999.